An At Home Wall Yin Practice

A short and sweet post for you this week, outlining a practice you can do at home. I fell in love with Wall Yin during my scoliosis days, I loved a yin practice - but it was killer on my back. The Yin poses that felt best for me were always laying on my back. Enter Wall Yin, and I never looked back. I always hear great feedback after this class, and even the next day that clients (especially those with back issues) always feel much better.

60 Minute Wall Yin Practice


So here is what I want you to do, you can roll out a yoga mat, lay down a blanket, or even use neither if you’re on soft carpet. Bring everything you have to stay comfy, a flat pillow for the head, a blanket, eye pillow, crystals - whatever you use to get in the zone. You can burn incense, or use an essential oil diffuser to help you create a relaxing environment, maybe even light some candles (so romantic, partner yoga date?).

You can do a silent practice, or play some mantras. A few of my favourites: Devi Prayer (Craig Pruess + Ananda), Lalitha Ashtotram (Craig Pruess + Ananda), Grace album (Snatam Kaur), Hari Om (Nisha Narsai + Sheela Bringi), OM chanting (Meditative Mind).

Here is the sequence for a 60 minute practice, you can adjust the time as necessary to suit your day.

Legs up the Wall - 5 minutes

Dragonfly - 5 minutes

Half Butterfly - 5 minutes

Deer - 5 minutes

Butterfly - 5 minutes

Legs up the Wall - 5 minutes

Dragonfly - 5 minutes

Half Butterfly (opposite side) - 5 minutes

Deer (opposite side) - 5 minutes

Butterfly - 5 minutes

Legs up the Wall - 5 minutes

Savasana - 5 minutes or as long as desired

Relax, enjoy, and let me know how you feel after!

Namaste xo

Sophie Wootton