Yoga Mat Cleaning Spray
Do I need to clean my yoga mat?
Gross. Yes, you do.
Okay, all joking aside. Even if the yoga class is not a hot sweaty class, your mat still needs cleaning. In a hot yoga class you would want to clean your mat after every practice…because…sweat. In a non—heated room, you may not have to clean your mat after every class, but at minimum I would suggest cleaning once per week. In the Winter and flu season months, I personally clean my mat everyday.
There are a lot of options on the market for purchasing a mat cleaning spray, but there are also quick DIY options and then you know exactly what you’re spraying on your mat.
Amber glass bottle
Essential Oils
Reusable Cloth
I have tried a bunch of different bottles, and my favourite has been this Amber glass bottle from Amazon. For Essential Oils, my personal favourite are Young Living, the smell is strong with only a few drops, and they’re 100% pure. I like using Tea Tree oil for it’s disinfecting properties, as well as a citrus oil like Lemon, Lime, or Orange. Another great option is Thieves Essential Oil, which is used in the Young Living household cleaning products. You can grab your Young Living essential oils here.
I use a filtered and mineralized water for our mat cleaning sprays, as that’s what we readily have available at the studio, but you can use any water that is not from the tap. Then add 10 drops of whatever combination of essential oils you choose. I love the combination of Tea Tree Oil (5 drops), Lemon Essential Oil (2 drops), and Orange Essential Oil (3 drops).
Give the bottle a little swirl, and it’s good to use!
In love + light,